Birth date: May 14, 1988
Chinese Symbols | Animal Symbol | Ancient Symbol | Element Symbol |
| | | |
The Dragon | The Morning | Earth | |
Brief Description | Dragons are witty, enthusiastic, popular, intelligent and gifted yet are also perfectionists. | ||
Positive Traits | vibrant, magnanimous, charismatic, principled, self-sufficient, discriminating, compelling, sentimental, accomplished, noble-hearted, healthy and prodigiously shrewd | ||
Negative Traits | bombastic, dissatisfied, ruthless, demanding, opinionated, mawkish, egocentric, defensive, power-mad, foolhardy, willful and pompous | ||
General Description of All Dragons | The key to the Dragon personality is that Dragons are the free spirits of the Zodiac. Conformation is a Dragon’s curse. Rules and regulations are made for other people. Restrictions blow out the creative spark that is ready to flame into life. Dragons must be free and uninhibited. The Dragon is a beautiful creature, colorful and flamboyant. An extroverted bundle of energy, gifted and utterly irrepressible, everything Dragons do is on a grand scale – big ideas, ornate gestures, extreme ambitions. However, this behavior is natural and isn’t meant for show. Because they are confident, fearless in the face of challenge, they are almost inevitably successful. Dragons usually make it to the top. However, Dragon people be aware of their natures. Too much enthusiasm can leave them tired and unfulfilled. Even though they are willing to aid when necessary, their pride can often impede them from accepting the same kind of help from others. Dragons’ generous personalities give them the ability to attract friends, but they can be rather solitary people at heart. A Dragon’s self-sufficiency can mean that he or she has no need for close bonds with other people. | ||
Detailed Description of The Earth Dragon | Earth Dragons make great managers because they are practical, levelheaded and demonstrate a knack for organizing. They still have the need to dictate and be admired, but they are affable, congenial and supportive. Compared to other Dragons, Earth Dragons are less likely to breathe fire at the least irritation. They will work diligently to complete their life goals. The Earth element adds a greater portion of self-control to the Dragon’s personality and usually the Earth Dragon is deserving of the respect he or she desires. These Dragons take their life and romantic responsibilities quite seriously. |
Eastern Gem Stone | | Eastern Ruling Planet | |
Amethyst | Mars | ||
Western Zodiac Sign | | Yin or Yang | |
Taurus | Yang (Light / Masculin) | ||
Combined Zodiac (East meets West) | The Taurean Dragon | ||
Taurus brings the Dragon back down from the clouds and adds a purposeful strength to his character. Taurean Dragons will work consistently to achieve material comforts and high standards of living essential to their well-being. | |||
Month of the Dragon | April | Direction | East-SouthEast (ESE) |
Lucky Colors | Black, Gold, Green | Hours | 7:00am – 9:00am |
Zodiac Position | Fifth | Lucky Numbers | 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 21, 34, 35, 36 and 45. |
| Present and Future Outlook | ||
Today’s Outlook (October 28, 2008) | You will not hesitate to have many passing fancies on the go at once, but you’ll run the risk of getting more inconveniences than satisfactions. Be less critical of others and more considerate toward your nearest and dearest. Your various activities may be very disorderly; try to remain methodical in order not to be trapped by events. | ||
This Week’s Outlook | Efforts will have to be made to overcome your usual reserve and to express your feelings: that’s what will be expected of you. Excellent physical and psychological resistance. Heartwise, you’ll feel a great need for tenderness; don’t look somewhere else for the happiness that’s just simply at your home. Soften down your tendency to criticize everyone and everything. You’ll tend to make a show of yourself; be careful that this comportment doesn’t harm you and drive your most faithful friends away. | ||
Outlook for 2008 | Luck will smile to the charming Dragon. He/she will prosper in many sectors of activity. And as far as amorous conquests are concerned, he/she will be among the luckiest ones. Will all that make him/her happy? It’s little probable, for the native can’t help having a feeling of dissatisfaction. He/she would have preferred, rather unconsciously most of the time, experiencing a profound and durable love instead of thrilling but transitory amorous affairs. He/she would also have wished to lead a richer and more intense interior life. | ||
Heavenly Influence (Looking to the Stars) | But his/her happiness will depend on him/her and him/her alone. In order to be happy, he/she must, right now, begin to learn wisdom. “When one is young, one must apply oneself to philosophizing; and when one is old, one should not get tired of philosophizing. For it’s never too early or too late to work for the health of the soul” (Epicurus). | ||
Additional Outlook For Your Element (Earth) | You’ll show unfailing energy and iron morale. Two trump cards that will allow you to secure beautiful successes. On the professional plane, you should reach your objectives. In love, you’ll have the irresistible charm of winners. Nevertheless, if you make a happy couple with the man or woman who shares your life, you’ll bank on faithfulness. |
| Romantic Outlook | ||
First Trimester | You’ll be looking for everlasting love? Not quite so! What will most interest you at during this period will be to test your seduction power and to break hearts for your pleasure. You’ll have no difficulty carrying out this program. Beware however of possible complications. In the last month of the period, conjugal life may cause you some problems. You’ll hesitate to make a choice which seems decisive. However, if you try to think over it seriously, this choice will appear perfectly evident and inescapable. Anyway, talk about it with your spouse. | ||
Second Trimester | If you’re in love with someone since a long time, you must put more fancy in your relationships. Avoid routine and monotony as you do bubonic plague. “In love, there is no more appalling disaster than the death of imagination” (George Meredith). Your efforts will be rewarded. If you’re free and intend to remain so, your love partners will all fail to put a rope round your neck this time. But this should not be a reason for continuing to court the danger as “by dint of going out at night one will end up meeting ghosts” (Vietnamese proverb). | ||
Third Trimester | This period will be a windfall for single natives and lonely hearts. Suddenly, your existence will change drastically, for you’ll undoubtedly experience a most exciting romance even though you may not have met the man (woman) of your life. Married couples will enjoy a renewal which will provide them with unknown delights and pleasures. However, the last month’s sentimental climate may not be particularly agreeable. You may have to stay far from your beloved one, or your love life will become unstable and complicated and will bring you more trouble than enjoyment. You’ll then have a seething desire to escape reality. The misunderstandings and separation may not be due to conscious intentions but rather to an unfortunate combination of circumstances. | ||
Fourth Trimester | At the beginning of this period the situation will not be very rosy. All the doubts and anguishes which you’ve until then been able to dispel will come back to torture you. Yet, the man (woman) whom you love will show you his (her) attachment and devotion. But you’ll need more than that in order to feel reassured. Fortunately, the situation will change for the better by the middle of this period. The atmosphere will then be one of harmony. At the theater, the cinema, rock or classic music concerts, you may meet a person with whom you’ll have many things in common. And the affairs of your heart will then fare very well. | ||
The Dragon Lover | People love Dragons so much because they are generous, charismatic, irresistible, and so brave that standing beside them banishes fear. They generate excitement and turn heads anywhere they go. They are free-spirited and impulsive and can help others achieve their dreams. Others love to be around Dragons because they have a way of making people feel better. Dragons are quick to fall in love, but do not surrender their independence easily leaving most of them to live life by themselves. Yet, an smart, witty, and funny companion may intrigue the Dragon long enough to make him want to get married. And once the Dragon becomes committed, he is unlikely to ever leave. | ||
Compatibility | EXCELLENT | Rat, Monkey, Rooster | |
GOOD | Horse, Tiger, Sheep, Pig, Snake | ||
FAIR | Rabbit | ||
DIFFICULT | Dragon, Dog, Ox |
| Family Life Home and Abroad | ||
The Dragon as a Parent | Because people born in the year of the Dragon are so working on furthering their careers, they usually Put off having and raising children until later than many of the other Chinese horoscope signs. Parenting doesn’t come very naturally easily to the Dragon. However, when Dragons do become parents, they approach it with the same enthusiasm as other endeavors. They are proud parents and tend to boast about the accomplishments and good looks of their children. Dragons, noted for their benevolence, tend to shower their children with toys and spending money. It has been remarked that they substitute material things for quality time with their children. Even so, Dragons take parenting seriously and are quite protective of their children’s welfare. Should anything upset them, or should anyone wrong them, the Dragon will prepare to fight and avenge the people who have hurt or belittled their offspring. | ||
The Dragon as a Child | Like their adult counterparts, children born in the Year of the Dragon have vivid personalities and are independent from birth. Noisy and active, parents should stimulate their imaginations as soon as possible. Their imagination and inquisitive natures can be troublesome for the Dragon child and can often land them in a heap of trouble at school which can cause teachers and other parents to deem them troublemakers or naughty. Sometimes Dragon children are loners who daydream and drift to into their own world of make-believe. Either way, Dragon children demand careful attention and special handling in order to bring out the best in them. Their creativity and talents must be encouraged, even if it means spending extra time in certain school subjects in order to help them master the subject. | ||
The Dragon as a Friend | Dragons are usually popular people, but because of their personalities, they seem to gather as much criticism as they do esteem. Due to their tumultuous temperaments, Dragons are not the most sensitive friends to those in need of a shoulder to cry on. Those who truly know the Dragon know he is a loving soul who will become your best ally in times of need. Once the dynamic Dragon has given his friendship, he will not let his friends down and will never falter in his allegiance to his companions. To a Dragon, a friend is a friend for a lifetime. Incredibly honest, Dragons are known for sincerity and are trusting souls. Because of this honesty, Dragons don’t realize others may not demonstrate or uphold the same codes of ethics. Making the discovery that they placed their trust in someone who is dishonest makes the Dragon person quite sad, yet much more perceptive for future encounters. | ||
The Dragon at Home | Not the most domesticated of the Animal signs, Dragons and may be more content out and about rather than at home. Nevertheless, with their imagination and artistic sense, they can enjoy decorating their home or anywhere else where their extravagance can be expressed.. A Dragon’s home should be as large and majestic as his personality, providing space for the fiery temperament or emotional eruptions that accompany their character. | ||
The Dragon on Vacation | Dragons are attracted by the bizarre. No self-respecting Dragon desires to walk in a tourist’s footsteps. Instead, they take a lot of gratification in finding hidden destinations, or, closer to home, locations off the beaten track. But Dragons also need thrills, which they might find by taking an unplanned winter break to go skiing or a spontaneous rock climbing trip in the spring. They may even test their bravery by daring to ride the highest roller coaster in the world. Dragons are also sentimental at heart, so conquering their childhood haunts, or taking a second honeymoon would bring immense pleasure too. |
| Career Outlook for 2008 | ||
First Trimester | Work as far as possible in the still and without haste. Indeed, during the greater part of this period you’ll be inclined by precipitation to make mistakes the consequences of which may be serious for your future. You’ll have to make sustained efforts in your work. This will be the only means for you to fare as well as possible. Do not tackle all problems at the same time, solve them one after another, without precipitation, and then you’ll achieve success. | ||
Second Trimester | The astral influxes of the first two months of this period will help you have easier contacts in your various moves. However, beware of the bad influence of certain stars who will incline you to heedlessness and lack of precision. During the last month, you’ll refuse to accept not to be recognized at your true value and will try to put things right. You’ll also have an occasion to show your will and express your personal opinions very crudely. Unexpectedly however, this will earn you the consideration and approval of others. | ||
Third Trimester | Everything will be well for you in the professional field. Well supported by the stars, you’ll have many an occasion to show that you always remain among the most competent ones. You’ll be more creative than ever, and your know-how will place you under the floodlights. If you want to change career or company, this period will favorably allow you to take the necessary steps, to undergo tests, to get interviews. More particularly, everything will go well if you’re an actor or artist; you’ll work feverishly and successfully. But if you’re a civil servant or an obscure worker, then the period will hardly be agreeable to you. The same thing will hold true if you work in an import-export company. | ||
Fourth Trimester | Restrained by the stars, you’ll be less prone to pugnacity during these months than during the last ones. You now prefer to play for time and do what is necessary to preserve your tranquility. But this will not prevent you from taking steps to consolidate your acquired advantages and even to refuse to compromise in certain respects. Nonetheless, you’ll have some problems to cope with in your work – disagreement with an associate, hostile attitude of a superior, worsening of working conditions, etc. Prudence will be necessary: remain vigilant by refraining from any thoughtless decision and by seeking counsel and aid in case of important difficulty. | ||
The Dragon At Work | The Dragon’s originality is the most impressive and outstanding of all his characteristics. The Dragon is quite imaginative and always able to see new paths where others may run into brick walls. Dragons are very adaptable and are fit for various occupations, especially if those occupations allow him to take the limelight. In any of these occupational situations, the Dragons will take a radical approach. Dragons work hard, but would rather give orders than receive them. They should avoid jobs that encompass too much routine, and should move toward jobs in which their self-reliance can be an asset. | ||
Well Suited Dragon Occupations | Computer analysts, Inventors, Engineers, Architects, Lawyers, Philosophers, Psychoanalysts, Brokers, Managers, Salespeople, PR People, Advertising agents, Armed forces members, Campaigners, Politicians |
| Health Outlook | ||
First Trimester | You’ll hardly have any big health problems these days. However, control your diet and try to balance it. You might principally suffer from small digestive disorders. If you are subject to feelings of sickness or chronic diseases, do not neglect any disturbing symptoms. In the first and second months of the period, adverse astral influxes may increase risks of insomnia. And when you don’t sleep enough, it’s a catastrophe for everybody around you! Try to relax. | ||
Second Trimester | This period’s astral influxes may provoke an onset of digestive disorders which, if you do nothing about them, might degenerate with time into a serious illness. Go on diet one weekend from time to time, during which you’ll only take vegetable broth, fruit juices and plain water, so as to allow your digestive system to rest and regenerate itself, and your organism to eliminate toxins. Take time to rest and above all don’t worry about anything. You’ll be every now and then subject to insomnia, but this should not bother you unduly. | ||
Third Trimester | Your health should be as good as you could wish during this period. However, keep a close watch over your blood pressure if your scales begin to flare up. You must then forgo tobacco and alcohol altogether and limit the consumption of salted foods. Eat green vegetables, fresh or cooked fruits, pasta as well as lean, organic meats. Risks of insomnia or migraines during the last month of the period. | ||
Fourth Trimester | Your stomach, liver and intestine will be weak. Their malfunction may give rise to moments of tiredness detrimental to your professional activities. Have yourself treated by a competent enterologist. Also, some foot problems seem probable; if you go on a travel, bring along your podiatry material. The astral configuration of the second month of this period indicates a tendency to chronic constipation, vulnerability to microbic and viral infections, and above all great irritability which would make you difficult to live with. One may suppose that all these ills are due to your disordered and constantly pressured lifestyle. The last month of the year, however, will find you in much better form, and you’ll enjoy sufficiently good health to celebrate Christmas and the New Year joyously. | ||
Dragon Health | Dragons take thrilling risks and burn the candle at both ends so they are fortunate to be blessed with good health. Among the most hearty of the Animal signs, they can suffer bad health as a result of stress. Symptoms of their personalities often stem from emotional outbursts and can range from tension headaches to depression to hypertension. Dragons can remedy these problems by maintaining their cool, implementing a routine in their daily lives, and utilizing exercises such as yoga or tai kwon do that soothe the mind and spirit as well as tone the body. |
| Financial Outlook | ||
First Trimester | If you behave reasonably, the stars will protect you against all major financial problem. They might even render you lucky at gambles by the middle of this period, but on condition that you only bet unimportant sums of money. Possibly and even probably unexpected money will be in from month to month. For those who want to invest in real estate, the last month will be propitious. Good investments in catering, hair-dressing, and all commerce in relation with dietetics, organic products, art objects. | ||
Second Trimester | Your financial situation will have little chance to improve spectacularly during this period. Even if you make big bets at gambles, you’ll run more risks of losing than chances of winning. On the other hand, with such disturbed astral aspects, it will be futile to hope for a significant inheritance. During the last month of the period, because of incompressible expenses, money may flow profusely out of your pouch in spite of your efforts at organization and saving. But on the whole you’ll not have to complain. | ||
Third Trimester | The astral climate of this period will be favorable to you as far as material matters are concerned. You can profit by this situation to achieve projects dearest to your heart. You’ll be determined to assert your ambitions and will be able to realize many of them. The present juncture, despite its threats, will not prevent you from making interesting profits which sometimes may prove better than what you wished for. By cutting your expenses down to the strict minimum and by paying cash whatever you buy, you’ll run no risk. Control your bills and bank statements carefully and do not heed so attractive offers as can be serious. You can also try your luck at some gamble; however, only bet what you can afford to lose and do not forget to put something by for a rainy day. | ||
Fourth Trimester | Because of the unfavorable astral influxes of this period, be very careful and strict in money matters, more particularly when it comes to real estate investments. Giving in to your impulsiveness would amount to getting inextricable problems. On the other hand, try not to embitter the disagreements between you and members of your family or associates over money matters; let time bring about a solution. In spite of all, you’ll succeed in an important financial transaction concerning your family possessions; everything will turn out well. As for gambles, it is probable you’ll win something which will exceed your bets. | ||
Money and The Dragon | Dragons like to spend money and are charitable themselves as well as with others. They do not know the meaning of the word “accumulate,” and making money does not intrigue them as it may others. Many Dragons will take big chances with their finances, sometimes betting on their shirt and losing it right off of their backs. Yet, they were born with the Midas Touch, and it very rare that a Dragon remains poor for long. Dragons will always be straightforward in financial dealings and can always be trusted. |
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