Wednesday, March 24, 2010

repost: quote, unquote

Mar 15, ‘09 12:51 PM

You don’t regret the things you did,

but the things you didn’t do.

I heard this line from a TV show.
and it made an impact on me.
I pondered on it, and it keeps on popping in my head.
Maybe, that’s the reason I had to post it here.

I thought about it. I remembered the things I did in the past and all.
And it’s true.
Most of the time, we always say to ourselves that even if we made a mistake in doing something, we had no regrets for doing it.
But when we think of the things we weren’t able to do or achieve,
we mope on it for some time, and feel a bit of regret for not being able to do it…

Maybe that’s why some people always give their best in everything they do and never let each moment pass them by.

‘Seize the day’ some may say. Living each moment as if it was your last. That has got to be even more. Life is just once for everyone.

A moment… A chance… An opportunity…
Just once…. it comes just once…

We are just passers-by in this world.
Achieving our dreams, living our destiny.
Live each day as if it was your last.
Fulfill each moment with every feeling that you have.
For a second, a minute, an hour, a day that passes
will be forever gone.

Now, as i see my life, i ask myself: Have i ever regretted anything??

*sigh* I guess, I had some things that I wasn’t able to do.
But I’m willing to be better and live each passing moment to its fullest.

Facing all the challenges, it might be difficult to fully live each moment. But, that’s life! The spice of life. And it get’s better after it.

I hope i can fulfill my time earnestly.
Better than what I expect it to be.

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