Wednesday, March 24, 2010

repost: blessing in disguise…

Mar 22, ‘09 3:21 PM

not another rant/vent but maybe just a bit…

last saturday was quite a blast for me (well, maybe for most of my friends and classmates)

first, it was the last day of our final examination but it didn’t felt like anything like that since we still have to finish our research requirements as well as the final report in IP.

(so let’s continue the story…)
Our last exam was Material Science. After that, we had lunch and went back to Eng’g building. We were waiting for the additional notes in Thermodynamics. But unfortunately, our professor was busy and had limited time (and the additional lesson would be uploaded on our online course website)…

And so we were about to leave and go home. But we passed by our department’s bulletin board. The result for the committee chairs and vice-chairs was already posted. My name was there, but the position isnt the one I applied for. I really had no reaction, I was really a dead pan. But my friends reacted. They were shocked to the fact that the position I currently handled went to someone who is a year my junior, AND I was positioned as the vice chair. They didnt like the idea of me being under someone our junior. I think they deem it as something unacceotable more of an insult. They believe that I was “demoted” and all the work the committee has done during my time as a committee chair were disregarded. It seemed like I was an incompetent chair that’s why I was placed in a lower position. I really didnt thought of anything at that moment since I was still experiencing the aftermath of the finals. It slowly sinked in to me. But still, it seemed that I could only care less. The tension was high. My friends talked to one of our close classmates who’s also an officer. Their opinions bursted. I remained silent. i still couldnt react. My mind was in Lala~land. I was more of staring blankly in space. I guess I still need some time to absorb everything that happened. My friends were really into it. I was really touched on how they felt for me. They are so concerned!!! Love you guys so so much!!! ::gives away power hugs::

Well, we went home after that. I’ve thought it thoroughly during my trip home. Mixed emotions was all I can feel.
I was quite disappointed about it. Actually, it made me feel disappointed to myself.
I thought: “Maybe, I didnt accomplished my work well.”
“Maybe, I wasnt a worthy chairperson.”
“Maybe, I’m not good enough….”
Thoughts of negativity loomed my mind.

But then again, I thought: “Maybe, this is a good sign.”
I’ve thought of all the positive things it may bring.
I could concentrate more on my studies since 5th year would be a lot busier. I wouldnt be making a project proposal and I wouldnt be attending the project proposal ^___^. I could sleep more and have more time with myself and my friends ^_____^ yay!!!!

I guess positivity won over me. Yes, I think I should accept such fate. I think this would bring me good fortune in the future.

Sunday morning…
I was online to finish our research requirements. Well, most of my classmates were online. We still have a lot to finish! One of my classmates PMed me. He was congratulating me about something. He told me that I was given the Best Committee Chair of the Year award during the ChES Star Awards last Saturday (21 March). I was shocked, surprised, happy yet lacking. I guess I still feel disappointed about the results of the committee positions.

Ironic isnt it? I was given the Best Committee Chair Award yet I was “demoted”. Weird. How odd. But, o well, I am happy! I was awarded!!! WAHAHA!!! My efforts were recognized ^_____^
(How conceited of me… Wahaha!!!)

Monday came.
We finalized our final report in IP. We finished all our requirements for R1. And we were able to submit everything on time.

My two classmate/current org officer talked with me regarding my decision on whether accepting the position or not. I said it was fine with me. I was willing to accept it since I know I can still contribute something to the organization. But what surprised me was that I was offered a chair position but for another committee. I first thought that they were just asking potential people for the position, but when I said okay, they already finalized their decision. I was happy but it still felt weird. Bizarre. I had an odd feeling. Something’s not right. But, who cares?!!!! I was given the chair position!!! Boo yeah!!!! Yatta!!!

So that’s how everything went for the past few days…

I am so thankful with to my friends!!! Thanks guys for the support and all ^_________^

Thanks to the Almighty Father and Creator

This is truely a blessing in disguise.

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